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Flight Simulator X - Grumman HU_16 Albatross Flight Simulator X - Grumman HU_16 Albatross

(8 votes)
Grumman HU_16 Albatross Northeastern Charters.This is a model of Greg Pepper and Micheal Verlin's . Originally built for FS9, it has been reworked to fly in FSX sp1. Not tested in sp2.The 2D dash does not work in it. But the VC is fully funtional. Other tther problems still need to be fixed such as the lights do not come down out of the wings . Unfortunatly Greg Pepper is no longer with us. But Michael Velin has given me permission to Make this available again . This is freeware and is to remain freeware. Michael Verlin

Author Michael Verlin


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