FSX Stearman Kaydet Duster/Sprayer Upgrade package 2. There are two models and two liveries in this package upgrade. The 1955 450 hp Duster,(SX-EAZ) and the 1965 Sprayer, SX-EBD (with a diferent engine and wing outline).They both belonged to the AMAG Unit (Antimalaria Group) conducting DDT dusting against the mosquitos and malaria since 1945 all over Greece with 32 Stearman P13/p17 type that were originaly US Air Force planes. I have a detailed list of all 32 of them with serial no's in the package along with other historic material and Stearman Logos. Both Models are extremely detailed with aimated pilots and parts, opening engine compartments virtual cockpits clickable instruments, 2D panels, custom Stearman sound and now new VC and exterior camera views. Dusting/spraying effects (water and yellow DDT cloud) and engine damage modeling. Models by Robert Sanderson (Orig. for FS2004) that I adopted for FSX Acceleration and they now pass every test. For the normal version of the Kaydet(no spraying Eqp.) You can download my upgraded package 1(FSX Props pages /KaydetSXAGI.zip) Liveries and repacking by Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.