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FS2004 Boeing RB-50F Superfortress FS2004 Boeing RB-50F Superfortress

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FS2004 Boeing RB-50F Superfortress. The Boeing RB-50F Superfortress was a special reconnaissance version of the B-50. Visual model by Tom Kohler based on previous freeware source from various designers. Accurate, 'hand flyer' flight model by Tom Kohler, built using Flight Model Workbook version 2005-14 from and based on the 1% B-29A flight model from Gregory Pierson from Multi-resolution Gmax model, including clickable virtual flight deck - with flight engineer compartment, fully animated. Reflective textures with dynamic shine also in the VC, gauges from Microsoft CFS2, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML checklists and documentation