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Flight Simulator X - VREF A320 Flight Simulator X - VREF A320

(3 votes)
VREF_A320 is a gauge that allowing to have the reference speed during takeoff and landing OF YOUR AIRBUS A320. This FS2004 gauge displays the Vspeeds (V1,Vr,V2,f,s,o), and landing reference speeds (Vs, Vls, Vref, Vapp)with full flaps configuration. Click on the icon at the ground and in base of the aircraft's weight you will see the TakeOff Vspeeds that you can insert in your FMC. Click on the icon in flight and in base of the aircraft's weight you will see the Landing reference Vspeeds that you can insert in your FMC. The Reference speeds are only calculated for your Airbus A320.

Author Carlo Chiappisi


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