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WWA-Eastern Europe Flights KIT

World Wide Air Pilots Information. You are appointed Pilot in Command of a leased JYRGAL 737-800 our company will be using for these Eastern Europe Flights. Our own 737 had a bad landing by Capt. Ernest Burgalowskybun and broke the front landing gear at Kermateskukin Airport last sunday. How many times have you flown from Portoroz or Klangenfurt to Bydgoszcz Ignacy Jan Paderewski Airport,IATA: BZG,or to Henri Coandă International Airport? well here is your chance as well as others not very known ones, seven flights that will keep you busy during this coming end of the month. Yasuri Baclter and Iliana Fskilon will be managing the passengers. Ok, pilots, or Pilotiskis as some Romanian chaps call them, let get the show on the road...