This is the Volume No. 4 of the 737 package, there are other 3 Volumes with different content. Volume 4 includes the following: 4 High-Quality Boeing 737 models created by the Project Opensky team which are divided into 5 of the Boeing 737 variants: -AEW&C, -BBJ, -BBJ2, C-40 and P-8. This Volume does not have any Virtual Cockpit. It includes a modified Boeing 737-800 default panel from the Alejandro Lucena's 737 Cockpit. 16 High-Quality liveries divided through the already mentioned variants. Livery list is down below. CFM56-7B soundset, created and authorized for my packages by Emil Serafino (who has collaborated with previous packages).
Boeing 737 AEW&C: 1 Livery Royal Australian Air Force
Boeing 737-BBJ: 2 Liveries VP-BBW / VP-BRT
Boeing 737-BBJ2: 1 Livery N371BC
Boeing C-40: 10 Liveries U.S. Registrations: 10015 / 10040 / 10041 / 20042 / 20201 20202 / 20203 / 50730 / 50932 / 54613
Boeing P-8: 2 Liveries United States Navy / P. Opensky Livery