FSX Gulfstream 550. The freeware Henry Tomkiewicz G550 made flyable in FSX by adding the default Lear 45 sound and panel (no VC). Fifteen ships, including Henry's original 550 factory demonstrator, a blank white paintable, two government C-37B models, two real world's for Tanzania Government and Oakmont Corporation, a private euro-white with red metalflake cheat line, two fictional paints for the real world Minnesota Jet Inc. and the fictional Avery Enterprises, and the six-ship fleet for fictional Transway Alaska Airways in flying colors (like Braniff), also includes engine smoke. I fly her in FSX-SP2 with no problems. The texture files should be importable to FS2004 also or used for AI, if you have the Tomkiewicz 550 installed as AI. This is the entire aircraft. Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman