This scenery addon transforms the default KMGJ, which is represently badly in FSX, to a brand new, corrected one with Satellite Imagery. MANY taxiways and runways were corrected over the course of a few months. Autogen adds a lot to this scenery too. The old Rwy 26 approach was burdened by tall trees, ones that were not there in real life; now they are removed and the correct fields are added just like in real life. The Hangers and Facilities are COMPLETELY REDONE.I have used satellite photos to place the hangars and taxiways just like in real life. FSX Default hangers were NOTHING like the actual ones, so there is a huge improvement there. Turn Autogen to the max to see all of the buildings. The overhang gas station is there in real life, however the helipad is somewhat fictional. says that there is 1 Helicopter based at KMGJ, so there must be a helipad. I placed it next to the fueling station so on-the-go helicopters can touch and refuel quickly. There are 4 seasons included with this package; Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring (which did not turn out as well as I planned, so I can't recommend flying in the springtime). Yes, there are 10 foot concrete aprons on the sides of 3/21 in real life, if you don't belive me, load up Google Maps. Overall this is a great FREEWARE Airport.