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(9 votes)

Flight Simulator X Cessna 208B

  • Flight Simulator X Cessna 208B For FSX Carrier
(5 votes)
(5 votes)

MS Flight Simulator X Aircraft-The Beechcraft Starship

  • MS Flight Simulator X Aircraft-The Beechcraft Starship version 5.1
(2 votes)

FSX and FS2004 Fokker FVIIb/3m of KLM and Swissair

  • FSX and FS2004 Fokker FVIIb/3m of KLM and Swissair
(6 votes)

FSX Aircraft- The Piper Cheyenne III PA42 version 2

  • FSX Aircraft- The Piper Cheyenne III (PA42) version 2. On June 30, 1980 Piper began production deliveries of a new version of the Cheyenne range of...
(17 votes)

FSX Embraer 120 HOT

  • FSX Embraer 120, House Colors & Delta Connection.
(12 votes)

FS X Fuddy Duddy Boeing B17g HOT

  • This is another change over for fsx that I did for Gary Herbert's B17g with new textures for the "Fuddy Duddy". The aircraft is fully flyable for f...
(5 votes)

FSX Fiat CR-42.

  • FSX Fiat CR-42.
(5 votes)

FS X Honey2 Cessna 337 Skymaster

  • Mike Stones 337 reworked to run on fsx with the honey 2 texture on it no virtual cocpit but it does have a standard cockpit.
(10 votes)

FSX and FS2004 Canadair C-5 North Star.

  • FSX and FS2004 Canadair C-5 North Star. Developed from the Merlin-engined C-4 North Star, the C-5 was really a short-fuselage DC-6. Only one exampl...