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(12 votes)

FSX BCM2 Airlines A320-231

  • FSX BCM2 Airlines A320-231 with Virtual Cockpit FMC and Groundhandling. Model by Project Airbus textures by Juan Villamor.

(79 votes)

FSX Boeing 777-200ER Multi Liveries HOT

  • Boeing 777-200ER Multi Liveries (13) FMC by Jb777 (see FMC Docs) Working LNAV and GPWS. VC model available. Model by POSKY . Contains 3 authentic sound sets. Edited Aircraft.cfg with ....

(25 votes)

FSX Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 747-822

  • FSX Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 747-822. A new B747-800 painted with Aerolineas Argentinas retro livery. This is a repaint of a fictional aircraft registered as LV-AYD. SkySpirit Boeing 747-8 ....

(7 votes)

FSX Boeing 747-400 South Pacific Airlines

  • Project Opensky 747-400 v4 "South Pacific Airlines" - featured in the motion picture 'Snakes on a Plane' featuring Samuel L. Jackson. This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky with the enhanced ....

(14 votes)

FSX Airbus A300-600R China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines

  • FSX Airbus A300-600R China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines. Wit Virtual Cockpit and FMC. Model by Thomas Ruth. Repaints by He Lingyuan

(9 votes)

FSX Boeing 737-800 Eurobelgian textures

  • FSX Boeing 737-800 Eurobelgian textures for the default 737-800. My own creation on the Eurobelgian VA. Includes textures and aircraft.cfg.

(16 votes)

FSX Boeing 737-800 Hapag-Lloyd Express textures

  • FSX Boeing 737-800 Hapag-Lloyd Express. Repaint of the default B737-800. A callsign for Hapag-Lloyd Express is also included.

(4 votes)

Aerosoft Airbus A319 TAME Textures

  • Repaint for the Aerosoft Airbus A319 CFM and IAE in the TAME livery. Textures only.

    You can buy it here

(12 votes)

Aerosoft Airbus A319 CFM EI-IMM Alitalia Textures

  • Airbus A319 CFM in the Alitalia livery, model EI-IMM. Base model by Aerosoft. Textures only.

(10 votes)

Captain Sim Boeing 767-300 ER Neos Air fleet textures

  • This pack includes the complete Neos Air fleet of Boeing 767-300. These are the I-NDOF "Città di Roma", I-NDMJ "Ciudad de la Habana" and I-NDDL "Ciudad de Trinidad". The repaints are only for the ..