I have converted some repaints made by Xudeva Irribarra for POSKY 747-4x series. However I were unable to find a proper aircraft that can work with FSX 747 original VC, so I took the winglet version of 747-400, and converted three awesome repaints to work with this aircraft. This package contains: Quantas Wunala Dreaming, All Nippon Airways Ohana Jumbo Blue Winglets, All Nippon Airways Ohana Jumbo Grey Winglets. Package comes with 2D panel and VC in three colours (Grey, Blue and Brown). There is a small glitch with VC ligtning. Read 'Read Me' file for solution.I have converted some repaints made by Xudeva Irribarra for POSKY 747-4x series. However I were unable to find a proper aircraft that can work with FSX 747 original VC, so I took the winglet version of 747-400, and converted three awesome repaints to work with this aircraft.